This solo dev project was developed for the Game Jam 2024 with the theme Last Stand.

It is the year 1718, the final days of the Pirate Republic. You are the last pirate ship standing tall to protect our beloved Republic, facing the cursed British Empire that seeks to crush this lone isle of freedom and democracy.

All other pirates are either dead or have taken the King's pardon, leaving you to defend our sanctuary. You face an impossible battle, for the British forces are too great. But fight you must, with the spirit of Blackbeard and the heart of a true pirate. Steady your ship and ready your cannons, for this is your last stand.

Made in Unity 2022.3

Project files are publicly available on my GitHub.

Updated 13 days ago
Published 14 days ago
Tags2D, Pirates, Short


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nice game with good implemented mechanics and nice clean art style as well. Well done

Very charming. Game runs flawlessly and the art is amazing! Well done! 

Thanks a lot! It's so great to hear that you liked it.